Wednesday 13 February 2013

My 3 Favourite Perfumes

One of my favourite beauty products is a good perfume and having quite a big collection, it makes it hard to choose a favourite. So I've whittled it down to my three favourites, not in any order, to give you a little low-down of the scent. Please note though that it's very difficult to describe a smell unless you're a professional perfume-maker (I guess?), but I'll try my very best!

'Miss Dior'  by Dior Eau De Parfum 30ml 

First up is a perfume my boyfriend bought for me as a surprise one day, without me having tried it before. He did very well as I absolutely loved it and used it up almost instantly. Being a Dior product its obviously going to be pricey. Mine, the 30ml retails for around £46, the 50ml for around £64, and the 100ml for around £89. There are many different varieties and I would say to sniff as many of the Dior perfumes as possible to find the right scent for you as they smell very different. I would describe this scent as sweet and sugary, with the ability to be either a night time or a day time scent. I have only ever had one bottle but try it every time I visit House Of Fraser and am still lusting after another bottle!

Viktor & Rolf 'Flowerbomb' 20ml

Another of my favourites is one which I've only ever had one of and have failed to re-purchase despite feeling desperate for another! This is Viktor & Rolf 'Flowerbomb', a fairly new, fashionable scent which I got as part of a set. The usual shape of the bottle isn't like this, but as this was part of a set with a body cream in the same scent, the bottle is obviously smaller. I bought this from The Perfume Shop in Leeds with some leftover birthday money last year and as it was summer time, the scent was really clear after applying the body cream as well. The set cost me about £48 and is called the 'Petite Flowerbomb'. I'm not sure if they still sell this exact set but they sell others like it. The 30ml retails for around £48 also, the 50ml around £65 and the 100ml around £90, varying with different shops. I'd advise looking around before buying this as prices can vary dramatically. There isn't really a way to describe this scent other than it is musky and has a lot of undertones, but its also fresh and pretty and definitely what I would call a summer scent!

Jimmy Choo Eau De Parfum 40ml

This was a perfume I received as a present from my Mum after asking for it. My sister had the perfume before me and I absolutely loved it, so I asked for it myself. It is a beautiful scent, quite similar to 'Flowerbomb' by Viktor & Rolf (mentioned above), and as you can see, comes in the most gorgeous bottle, inside a pink, snake-print box. I believe it retails for around £35 for the 40ml, around £45 for the 60ml and ariund £62 for the 90ml. It is also available at a cheaper cost for the Eau De Toilette however I wouldn't recommend going for that just because you're strapped for cash as the scent is completely different, much unlike a lot of EDT's, which tend to just be weaker, this one smells completely different and to me, not as nice. The scent is musky but fruity and although I do wear it in the day, smells much nicer on cold, wintery nights out. 

So that's it. My three favourite perfumes broken down for you in description of scent, price and availability. All the perfumes are available at pretty much any perfume counters as they're quite popular scents and prices will always vary (look for the best deals!). I hope you enjoyed my post and you'll hear from me again very soon! 




  1. Love Viktor and Rolf and Miss Dior!

    A little bit Unique


    Oh and I'm running a giveaway, if you want to pop over and have a nosey! Giveaway here

  2. Muss Dior used to be my favourite, I'd wear it all the time, now I love Armani code :)
    Daniella x

  3. Wow, such pretty bottles they come in! I especially love the Jimmy Choo bottle- I definitely want to smell that one.

  4. The Dior bottle is gorgeous! OX

    I'm looking for new blogs to follow and love yours, want to follow each other? Let me know.

    1. Yeah sure, I'm always open to following new blogs! :) x

  5. love miss dior. its such a beautiful scent.
    have you ever smelle alien? if not, try it. its the best perfume ever.

    1. I've sampled it before but couldn't even begin to describe the scent! I've heard a lot of good things about it though! x

  6. Oh I love your favourite perfumes post! Miss Dior was one of my old favourites but I've run out! :( I also have the Jimmy Choo which I absolutely love! Such a pretty fragrance and I like that I own something 'Jimmy Choo' because I don't yet own any shoes :( so it makes me feel like I own a little luxury ahha! How sad! Cute blog :)

    Christina x

    1. Thank you! Me too, its a shame it never seems to last long though! I forgot to mention that I got a free 'shoe box/bag' with my Jimmy Choo which makes me feel like I need some Jimmy Choo shoes to go inside! Hehe x

  7. Hey! I just checked out your blog for the 1st time & I really like it so I hope it's okay that I nominated you for the Liebster Award :) You can find other info about it on my newest post!
    Crystal's Beauty Corner

  8. Miss Dior is lovely! And I may need to try that Viktor & Rolf 'Flowerbomb' 20ml sounds nice as well! Lovely blog, by the way! :)

