Monday, 12 May 2014

Mini Mani Monday

I'm well aware I have been away from the blogging scene for a little too long just lately, and am feeling deeply ashamed of myself! I adore blogging and feel sad that life can just get on top of someone so much that they neglect doing something they love. I've created myself a little plan of action, (or as I like to call it - a 'plaction') to get myself blogging regularly again. For every day of this week that I happen to have off work, I'm going to do a little blogpost! Whether it be a teeny paragraph reflecting on a piece of my day, or reams of waffling about something I'm really loving at the moment, I will post it for you to read :)

So to kickstart this very grim monday (It's been raining and thundering and even HAILING where I am today - boo!), and to cheer myself up from this blue mood, I decided to give myself a well overdue manicure. I'm no nail artist and I should definitely be ashamed to say I've actually never had my nails done by a professional before, but I thought I'd give it a go. My poor, unhealthy nails are unfortunately so used to having a fleeting lick of polish before I head to work or bed (exciting life I lead), as I simply don't have the time to sit down and give them a little pamper. So I grabbed my nail file, filled a bowl of hot, soapy water and doused my hands and nails in as many nourishing products as I could find. I really enjoyed the feeling and my nails looked and felt great afterwards.
I went for a simple lilac-toned nude from Loreal and gave my nails an intense buff with my four-sided nail file from The Body Shop. They were super shiny even before I put the polish on which creates the illusion of gel nails! 
I'm super proud of my efforts and am fiercely fighting the urge to pick them, (a terrible habit of mine) so I can have them last a whole week! 
It's only a little act of pampering but sometimes a little is all you need for a pick-me-up and I felt a little less blue afterwards. Of course, selfless acts of kindness are much better than selfish ones, but everybody is entitled to make themselves feel a bit better every now and again, and what's the shame in a little Monday mani? :)


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